For more information, see Optimistic and pessimistic record locking in the Information Center. 您可以在InformationCenter中的乐观和悲观记录锁机制,查看更多信息。
A collection of SDOs that has been altered also maintains a record of its original values, enabling certain sorts of optimistic locking algorithms. 一组经过变更的SDO还会维护一条其原始值的记录,从而支持某种类型的乐观性锁定算法。
A FOR FETCH ONLY clause is added to the Select statement to avoid record locking and to take advantage of SQL automatic blocking. 一个FORFETCHONLY子句被添加到Select语句,以避免记录锁定并利用SQL自动块操作的优势。
Pessimistic record locking, which provides a way to prevent situations where multiple users can edit a record at the same time 消极记录锁定,它提供了避免发生多个用户同时编辑一条记录情况的手段
Optimistic and pessimistic record locking 乐观以及悲观的记录锁定
Methods of file locking and record locking or file unlocking and record locking or file unlocking and record unlocking were given. 给出,文件、记录加锁解锁的方法及解决死锁问题的途径。